Weekly win!
Well it’s been a while since I updated anyone on anything, so here you go!!
I’m done my radiation, and on Friday I have my 12th chemo treatment. Only 9 more after that! I also met with my surgeon yesterday, and found out I get to keep my belly button, which is my win of the week. It’s the little things LOL. I’ll have no nipples and a full roadmap of scars, but at least I’ll get a tummy tuck and my own belly button when I’m done!
Tomorrow we are hosting the 43rd annual Rick Lapointe Memorial Bantam AAA tournament. It’s been a lot of work – more so than other years because the university (our landlord) vacated the building and took away our concession and hospitality facilities. (Get this – the door broke in the men’s washroom stall and they installed a SHOWER CURTAIN in its place…. Yes, that is what we are up against). It will be interesting to see how we pull off a world class hockey tournament in a box with basically just an ice surface. But we’ve got some great volunteers, so hopefully we can pull some rabbits out of our hats and make some magic.
As for me, my biggest battle right now is that I have excessive pain in my elbows – in particular my left one. My chiropractor says its radiating from my shoulder, which I am bracing to protect my chest. My docs and nurses say the joint pain is a side effect of the herceptin, but that it’s weird that’s it’s so localized. Jeff says its because I’m on my phone too much. Either way – I can’t lift or hold anything heavier than a plate. In fact I’ve dropped two plates. So let’s say LESS than a plate. It makes a life very difficult. Cooking, driving, opening doors, cleaning up, getting dressed, shopping – I went to Costco today and it just about killed me. I had to get help to get stuff in my buggy by the time I hit the milk section. For those of you who know me – I don’t ask for help well. Especially not for things like “um excuse me, would you be able to grab that box of spaghetti and put it in my buggy?”
I feel the most useless asking the boys for the little things. “Honey can you move my computer off my lap and put it on the table?” “Buddy can you pls stir this pancake batter?” Today I went for a 6km hike in East Sooke without any issues, but a three point turn in my car is excruciating.
On the plus side, I have no other side effects. My energy is back and I’m feeling great. My skin is healing nicely from the radiation, and my hair, eyelashes and eyebrows are growing in super fast. I actually need to get it cut soon, to clean up the edges! I just have to get the right pain meds for my elbows and I’m golden.
Surgery will be in January after the kids go back to school. I’m pretty nervous. But for now – tournament, then Christmas!
Hey – because I haven’t asked in a while – have you booked your mammogram yet?