A goat path to fulfillment and a blood moon eclipse
We often have 8 lane highways that are our go-to behaviours that determine our direction in life. They’re easy. They’re comfortable. We don’t have to think about them. But what if fulfillment and happiness and joy are off the beaten path? And what if your family and friends aren’t on the same road as you? Choosing a new path is difficult and hard. Do you hold yourself and the ones you love as capable of change?
Never (again) a dull moment
When was the last time you said YES to an adventure? To a crazy, out of the box idea? To a trip outside your comfort zone? I went for a walk yesterday with an old friend, and afterwards met up with a third at Starbucks. We spent a good few hours getting caught up – comparing graduation proceedings of our kids schools, talking about how amazingly relieved we are to have boys, rather than girls, and filling each other in on all the things going on in each other’s lives. It was a lovely way to start the day. And at the end of it, my friend said to me…