Never (again) a dull moment
When was the last time you said YES to an adventure? To a crazy, out of the box idea? To a trip outside your comfort zone?
I went for a walk yesterday with an old friend, and afterwards met up with a third at Starbucks. We spent a good few hours getting caught up – comparing graduation proceedings of our kids schools, talking about how amazingly relieved we are to have boys, rather than girls, and filling each other in on all the things going on in each other’s lives. It was a lovely way to start the day. And at the end of it, my friend said to me “there’s never a dull moment with you!”
It got me thinking.
Often we use that term to infer that life is just a bit too crazy for our liking. It’s taken as a negative. But if you think about it – who wants to live a dull life? Not me! I don’t ever want to have another dull moment.
I recently said “YES!” to a crazy adventure that likely will throw my life on an unexpected trajectory. I received an email (which was followed up by four “have you seen this??” emails from friends) indicating that a group here in town was looking for 12 people to be cast as participants in an edu-tainment documentary called “The Purpose Project.” They are taking 12 people through an intensive coaching program to help them find their life’s work – whether it’s to figure out what they should be doing with their lives, or putting some parameters and action around something they have already been called to do. Everything about it screamed “THIS IS FOR YOU!!” So I threw caution to the wind and answered the call.
I sent in my application, went to an information session, submitted an audition video – and they chose me! While not everyone would think that doing something outrageous and crazy is exciting and fun, I’m super excited about it. We start filming on Friday.
Think about your own life. What do you consider “dull?” Me – I find filling my evenings watching TV dull. I find the bulk of professional sports dull (with the exception of hockey, golf, curling and Olympics.) I find certain necessary work activities dull. I find eating crappy food dull. As Jen Sincero says in her book You are a Badass “What. A. SNORE!”
On the other hand, being mindful – really taking things in, whether it’s standing on the side of the road clapping for a slew of Ironman cyclists at 7 am or spending 20 minutes identifying textures in art – not dull.
I took a class the other day on mindfulness. The facilitator took us through an exercise where we had to interact with all of our senses with one item – a raisin. In and of itself, a raisin is rather dull. But if you feel it in your hand, squish it with your fingers, roll it around in your tongue, separate out the sugar crystals from the fruit – a raisin’s got a lot going on!!
“Mindfulness is awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally. It’s about knowing what is on your mind.” – Jon Kabat-Zinn.
Being mindful of your day to day interactions with the world is an amazing way to find the awesome intricacies of our existence.
Noticing the weight of the blanket in your lap.
Watching the sun reflect off the leaves in a Japanese maple tree.
Listening to the music of children laughing.
Savouring the tartness of a Granny Smith apple.
Taking a deep breath through a path of lilac trees.
Shopping for the perfect tie for your graduating son – who’s very existence makes your heart sing.
There is nothing dull about a life lived fully. Whether you’re looking for your purpose on a reality show, or watching the sunset on your deck after a long day at work, you can choose.
Alive or dead.
Joy or apathy.
Dull or full.
I choose full.
Find out more about what I’m up to here: