Redefining the C-Word

Guess what????

My hair is growing back!! I thought I may have been imagining it, but I definitely have peach fuzz, and a few telltale ingrown hairs. (joy). Now I just hope it comes in all over my head and not just in patches.

So, I’m ten days past my first round of my new kind of chemo – Taxol and Herceptin. Taxol I will take until September, Herceptin until next June. Both are considered a lot easier on the symptom scale. I’m feeling great. I had a day or two of emotional upheaval, and a day or two of bone pain that required me to keep moving, but then once that passed, I honestly was back to feeling normal again! I mean not chemo normal, or sick normal, but actual normal! I’m not tired, I’m not nauseous, everything tastes right…. The only thing is to the outside world I still look sick.
I’m at the point now where I’m done with the whole no hair thing. Actually, I’m done with being sick. When you’re feeling great, when you’re feeling normal, when you’re out doing normal people things, it’s not fair that other people see you as sick. And that’s exactly what happens. Jeff and I went grocery shopping the other day and it was all so normal until I bumped into a friend that hadn’t seen me for a while. It was back to being the giant tumour in the aisle. After that I was suddenly very aware that nobody in the store made eye contact with me. It took everything in me not to scream “I’m fine dammit! I just have no hair!”
What’s funny is that I actually feel like time has flown. There are people that I consider friends that will actually never have seen me during the “sick” part, which makes me giggle a bit. It also kind of pisses me off in some weird way – they get off scot free and never have had to engage in this with me at all. But it also shows what kind of friend they are.
I met with the cardiologist, and he’s not worried about my heart at all. So therefore neither am I. He does want me to get my heart pumping though, so Jeff and I have started walking every day. Sunday we went on a hike of epic proportions when we got lost on our way to the “better” spots at Sooke potholes. At least it was only 30 degrees and we had our flipflops on. The water was fabulous once we actually found it!
So this week is clean up, purge, and welcome our new international student, Hikaru, from Japan. He’s with us for three weeks. We’re almost done building our second student room. Today we’re getting new drywall in the TV room and moving furniture. Soon enough we’ll be a full boarding house! We gotta do what we gotta do – now just to pray that the international program is willing to send us students again. After they pulled the last one, I’m concerned that it will happen again.
Then I’m on to Courtenay for the weekend for my 25th grad reunion!! I was thinking I should go get me a mullet wig, parachute pants and jelly shoes. Gonna party like its 1990 again! Do they still make rockaberry coolers??
Hope this finds you all well. Go get a mammogram.

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