A goat path to fulfillment and a blood moon eclipse
We often have 8 lane highways that are our go-to behaviours that determine our direction in life. They’re easy. They’re comfortable. We don’t have to think about them. But what if fulfillment and happiness and joy are off the beaten path? And what if your family and friends aren’t on the same road as you? Choosing a new path is difficult and hard. Do you hold yourself and the ones you love as capable of change?
For my son, on the first day of university
I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. You’re 18 years old, and it’s the night before you start university. Today was new student orientation, and I missed seeing you off because I was taking your brother to school on the other side of the country. But I’ve been watching you these past few weeks. I’ve seen you checking and rechecking which rooms your classes are in. I’ve seen you go get your haircut, researching textbooks, buying your first computer, and asking casual, yet nervous, questions of people that have been there. I know you’re nervous. I know you’re excited. I know you’re on the cusp of terrified and…
Never (again) a dull moment
When was the last time you said YES to an adventure? To a crazy, out of the box idea? To a trip outside your comfort zone? I went for a walk yesterday with an old friend, and afterwards met up with a third at Starbucks. We spent a good few hours getting caught up – comparing graduation proceedings of our kids schools, talking about how amazingly relieved we are to have boys, rather than girls, and filling each other in on all the things going on in each other’s lives. It was a lovely way to start the day. And at the end of it, my friend said to me…
A reframe on feedback
A recurring theme for me these days has been the concept of how we interpret feedback in our lives. Every day in every moment we are receiving feedback from the people around us. Sometimes it’s obvious, like a performance review, or a critique or praise of your work. Sometimes it’s in the form of how many likes or reshares you get from a blog post. Sometimes it’s whether someone chooses to swipe left or right, based on a profile pic. Sometimes it’s by the body language of a person in a meeting. Sometimes it’s when you’re looking at the pile of overstock in your store, because nobody has chosen to…
Showing up in the world
I caught a glimpse of my reflection today in an airport duty free window, and thought WOW! I don’t look at all like I think I do. I’m shorter than I feel. Softer. Older. Grumpier. It made me think of how I show up in the world. I wondered how many other people are walking around with their inner selves feeling disconnected from their outer selves. I flew out to Saskatchewan to see my boys on the weekend, which meant airports, small talk and interesting conversations with strangers. I’m never one to shy away from conversations. I love hearing people’s stories, and I find airports seem to be the space…
Core Value: Contribution
I’ve done a lot of deep breathing today. I walked to work, listening to one of my favourite podcasts on the way. I arrived at my office early, and was welcomed by sunlight, a clean desk, and a comprehensive to-do list left for me by yours truly last night. I’ve been making a concerted effort to be more effective with my time, while committing to, on my off time, feeding my soul. My 45 minute walk to work is the perfect time to “screw my head on straight” – filling my mind with brilliance and comfort and ideas from scholars and intellectuals around the world, who speak on topics such…
Becoming unmistakable
I’m currently doing a 12 week personal and professional development course, called “Playing Big”, taught by author Tara Mohr. It’s based on her book “Playing Big – Practical Wisdom for Women who want to Speak Up, Create, and Lead“. I’m about a month into the course, but it has already been transformational for me, in that I’m learning about defining my core values (or core nutrients), taming my inner critic (who is ferocious it seems), and tapping into my inner mentor when it comes to making decisions, even on a day to day basis. This concept of defining my core values has really resonated with me, as I find often…
The Algorithms of the Universe
Do you ever find that synchronicity and ease surround you? You know – when all the stars align, and everything goes perfectly as it should. Every song on the radio pertains to your situation, and suddenly you bump into someone that you haven’t seen in forever that sparks the right conversation, or you meet someone new that does exactly what you have always wanted to do? This happens to me on occasion. But it’s rare enough that when it does, I really notice it. And this past month, it’s been happening to me. It’s amazing to me how things like that work. Like when you are thinking of buying a…
Hopefully this works!!
Wow, what a learning curve! So I’ve moved my blog from blogspot over to WordPress, and then over to a different version of WordPress … then I broke it all LOL. So hopefully this works. And stays working. So I’ve been allowing this stupid website / blog issue hold me back and make me feel small. I’ve been stuck. It made me think of how many people do that. They hit a roadblock and boom! Done. No more further movement. So they move on to something different, possibly allowing an amazing idea or project to fall by the wayside, never to be watered or tended or allowed to flourish. It…
Thank you for your patience!
So It’s been a LONG time since I posted anything to my blog. I had some issues with Blogger, so have now transported everything over to WordPress for veryterikerr 2.0. I’m so excited to get blogging again!! It will take me a bit to get up to speed again, so pls be patient with me. I have a bit of a learning curve ahead of me 🙂 VTK