• Redefining the C-Word

    Shit people say….

    Today I’ve run into a sort of theme. It started innocently enough by an internet troll trying to sell me some multilevel supplement that “will change my life”. I was feeling somewhat adventurous so I responded, mostly to her marketing technique of trolling her friends’ facebook friends and hoping for a bite, and we got into a bit of a conversation about “what’s best for me.”  I finally told her sorry, I can’t do her supplement because I’m doing chemo, and she responded with a list of people she knows who have died of cancer, and how it only affects the strongest people, etc etc etc. Her logic was way…

  • Redefining the C-Word

    The stigma of suffering alone

    Many, many people have sent me notes and messages thanking me for being so open about my journey through cancer. To be honest, my first thought has always been – well did you expect any otherwise from me? I’ve always been a pretty open book, and I’ve rarely been one to keep my mouth shut on anything (although to be fair, I’m getting much much better at that as I grow older and wiser. Or maybe it’s just learning from my mistakes…. either way…..). But as I think further about it, I realize that the majority of people are not the same as me. Many people go through this alone,…

  • Redefining the C-Word

    My segway…..

    So over the past 3 months I’ve written a thousand blog posts in my head, but the perfectionist in me never got to putting them here, simply because I felt I should complete telling my STORY before I started telling you my thoughts. Well writing my bio was enough to blockade the process, so if you don’t mind, I really would like to start with my thoughts first and when I’m up to it, I’ll tell you my story. View this as my segway…. !!!

  • Redefining the C-Word

    My story

    Where to start. Well I suppose that’s easy. Buckle up – this will be a long one. In October of 2014, I went to the doctor for my annual check up. All was well, no issues, no lumps. I asked my doc if now that I’m 41 I should start getting regular mammograms. She told me that “actually, they are now recommending that women without any family history or palpable lumps or issues can probably wait until they turn 50 to go for regular screening”. So I said ok then!! December 2014, I got an email at work that the BC Cancer Agency was bringing a mobile screening clinic to UVic…

  • Redefining the C-Word

    Let me introduce myself……

    I know you’ll inevitably check out the the “About me” section, but I thought I’d start off with a bit of the who what why of this blog.  My name is Teri. I am a 41 year old mom of two, wife of one, who pretty much just likes to say it as it is. I have breast cancer. There, I said it. As it is.  It’s a funny thing, this cancer thing. Everyone seems to react to that word differently. I have a lot of people saying things like “oh you’re so positive!” and “aren’t you angry?” – well the truth is, I’m positive because it’s the only way…