Contact Teri!
Are you interested in meeting Teri in person? She is available for speaking engagements on various topics – including, but not limited to:
- Find Your Joy. Stuck. Discontent. Apathetic. Unfulfilled. So many women are just going through the motions in their lives. Each of us has a warrior inside looking to break free. Teri can help you find your joy, your passions, and take concrete steps towards playing bigger in your life.
- Taming your Inner Critic. The inner critic can be a debilitating force. Identifying our limiting beliefs and learning to turn down the volume of the voice inside that’s holding us back can help us to grow and stretch both personally and professionally.
- Difficult Conversations: When a co-worker gets sick. As a breast cancer survivor, Teri has learned firsthand how people are innately ill-equipped to deal with the grief, uncertainty and awkwardness that a cancer diagnosis brings. Engaging and raw, she will share her story and help you navigate the fear without sticking your foot in your mouth.
- From Survive to Thrive: Finding Joy after Cancer. Life is short! Eat the cookie! Cancer survivor Teri Kerr will share her story and provide guidance on discovering what makes your heart sing, breaking through limiting beliefs and finding joy after living through trauma.
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